Sunday, May 17, 2020

Critical Analysis Of Alice Walker s Everyday Use

Tulsi Rizal Prof. Mary Huffer Eng122 24 April 2016 Critical Analysis of Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use† Alice Walker, most revered African American writer of the present time was born on 9th February 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia. She started her career as a social worker/activist, followed by teaching and and being a writer. She has won many awards for her fantastic social and literary works. Everyday use† was published in 1973, when African Americans were struggling to revive their original African culture, to stay connected with their culture. As a result of this cultural activism, many African Americans started adopting African clothing, and other daily practices. This paper tries to analyze Walker s short story critically and come up with explanations of the main ideas. Some of the key features or themes used in this story comprise; symbolism, conflict of ideology, irony, education myth, heritage and cultural blend. Walker highlights the story of a mother and her two daughters’ contradictory ideas about their identities and Heritage in â€Å"Everyday Use.† â€Å"The stories of Black Women problematize the notion of cultural authenticity through a series of conflicts between mother and her daughters over everyday items such as butter churn, a bench, and a collection of quilts† (Mullins 2013). The story is the portrayal of each character’s discrete stance on culture and heritage who seemingly have ideological differences and contradictory viewpoints. The story consists of conflict ofShow MoreRelatedAlice Malsenior6001 Words   |  25 PagesAlice Walker: Peeling an Essence As an African- American novelist, short–story writer, essayist, poet, critic, and editor, Alice Walker’s plethora of literary works examines many aspects of African American life as well as historical issues that are further developed by Walker’s unique point of view. 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