Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Theoretical Matrix - 1470 Words

Theoretical Matrix Oliver J. Lewis HCS 587 April 29, 2013 Dr. Sonnia Oliva Theoretical Matrix This week’s studies were an examination of organizational and individual barriers to change. We learn to identify the role of strategic renewal, the behavioral aspect of organizational change, analyzed the dynamic of motivating employee behavioral change, differentiated the three faces of change, and finally explored the sources of employee resistance. A primary focus was Lewin’s Field Theory in Social Sciences and for this paper identified three theoretical organization change models. University of Phoenix Material Appendix A: Matrix of Theoretical Models Theoretical Model | Description of Theoretical Model | Type of health†¦show more content†¦Perspective 1) Systems Perspective – assumption - gaining outstanding performance is directly related to interactions among and between multiple organizational elements and its external environment. Perspective 2) Alignment Perceptive – assumption – congruence among people, processes, and structure is required to be effective. Perspective 3) Participation Perspective – assumption – employee participation increases commitment to derived solutions. 4) Social Capital – assumption – build trust increases cooperation and favorable outcomes.5) Teamwork – assumption – increases commitment, coordination, creativity, and support outstanding performance. 6) Multiple Stakeholder – assumption – organization leaders’ must balance stakeholder’s expectations.7) Problem-solving – assumption – task disagreement among collaborators yields above average solutions. 8) Open Communication – assumption – candid open communication increase learning and builds trust.9) Evolution/Revolution – assumption – organizations must develop competencies to engage in incremental and fundamental change.10) Process facilitation – outsider are effective change facilitators. Congruence or fit is the key to effective Organizational Development. | A public health facility, such as a health department would be the type of organization where the Organizational Development Theory of change should offer an appropriate model for change.Show MoreRelatedWhat Is The Temperature On The Behavior Of The Low Cement Castable ( Sic )?1186 Words   |  5 Pagestemperature values declared on Table 3 of the 1997 publication by R.G. Munro, which is attached to this message. For room temperature the value 1.1 and for 500 °C the value 4.4 is given. I noticed that for all other experimental CTEs as well as theoretical assumptions, I am using CTE values that are averaged between room temperature and elevated temperatures. Therefore, it makes sense to me to average these two values and use the number 2.75 for CTE of this type of SiC particles. 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