Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Data Collection free essay sample

Accurate and desirable method of recording the behavior of children. Using direct observation, the investigator observes and records the behaviors of the participants rather than relying on reports from parents or teachers. Observational techniques vary on several dimensions. Naturalness of the Setting. The setting for the observations can vary from natural environments (such as a school or home) through more controlled settings (such as a laboratory playroom) to highly artificial settings (such as a physiological laboratory). Qualitative researchers do observations almost exclusively in natural ettings. Quantitative researchers use the whole range of settings, but some prefer laboratory settings. Degree of Observer Participation. This dimension varies from situations in which the observer is a participant to situations in which the observer is entirely unobtrusive. Most observations, however, are done in situations in which the participants know that that observer is observing them and have agreed to it. Such observers attempt to be unobtrusive, perhaps by observing from behind a one-way mirror. We will write a custom essay sample on Data Collection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Amount of Detail. This dimension goes from global summary nformation (such as overall ratings based on the whole session) to moment-by- moment records of the observed behaviors. ObArticle 12. Data Collection Techniques 2 viously, the latter provides more detail, but it requires considerable preparation and training of observers. Standardized Versus Investigator-Developed Instruments Standardized instruments cover topics of broad interest to a number of investigators. They usually are published, are reviewed in a Mental Measurements Yearbook (1938- 2000), and have a manual that includes norms for making comparisons with broader samples and information about reliability and validity. Investigator- developed measures are ones developed by a researcher for use in one or a few studies. Such instruments also should be carefully developed, and the report of the study should provide evidence of reliability and validity. However, there usually is no separate manual for others to buy or use. The next several sections utilize this distinction. Some tests, personality measures, and attitude measures are developed by investigators for use in a specific study, but there are many standardized measures available. There are standardized questionnaires and interviews, for example, those for diagnostic lassification, but most are developed by an investigator for use in a particular study. Standardized Tests Although the term test is often used quite broadly to include personality and attitude measures, we define the term more narrowly to mean a set of problems with right or wrong answers. The score is based on the number of correct answers. In standardized tests, the scores are usually translated into some kind of normed score that can be used to compare the participants with others and are referred to as norm referenced tests. For example, IQ tests were normed so that 100 was the mean and 15 as the standard deviation. Achievement Tests. These are designed to measure knowledge gained from educational programs. There should be reliability and validity evidence for the type of participants to be studied. Thus, if one studies a particular ethnic group, or children with developmental delays, and there exists an appropriate TABLE 1 Data Collection Techniques Used by Research Approaches Research Approach Quantitative Research Data Collection Techniques Experimental Quasi-Experimental Comparative, Associational, Descriptive Approaches Qualitative Research Research report measures

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